Migration Plan
Migration Doc. Ali
How does the remote Migration work like:
Info of Remote → Script → Mevlan und Magnus (min. 4GB RAM)
Preparation: Import the Players to Engage+ and create players to Engage (Need MAC Adress + Name)
Who is importing (normaly the players) to Engage+ → Peakmedia
Content: Website
Website in Engage+
Preston → Seperate Meeting to discuss the requirements (features are my related to Mevlan)
Erno for Mettler-Toledo
DOOH (very channel-related / not feature related)
→ share of voice (not this year)
→ I/O is not neseasary to raise (cause of NL already did it) - now decission in 3-/4 weeks Jun 11, 2024
→ Cittatino → the way it works it is very custom build
SPAR - Security:
→ Michael Harren
→ HTTPS Ports (Security Overview)
, multiple selections available,